Thursday, May 28, 2015

Jarreds Materpiece

music and poetry
Writes about love and suicide
meaning behind every song and poem
not exactly rhythmic
meant lyrically
some have been made into songs
first year ever writing poetry
"if ihad more time"
"I don't have anything to fill my time"
worthy of expression
"i could have done better if..."
needs to find the motivation
needs to find his passion in it
looks like a first draft
something from the heart but just quickly written
more than meets the eye
I cant do any better what do you think
why are you holding yourself back?
felt a need to help others rather than himself
helping others holding yourself back?
want to go to college- not helping himself in getting himself there
what made you decide to do this as your masterpiece
-he turned the things in the back of his mind into something beautiful
not really passionate about anything
againstthebully - website
why is life worth living....

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